Clarborough Primary School

Be the best you can be!

Medicines for Self-Care Guidance

Medicines for Self-care Guidance

We have received the following information from the Bassetlaw Clinical Commissioning Group:

Schools are permitted to hold and administer over the counter medicines and a doctor’s prescription for these is NOT required. Parents are encouraged to obtain relevant over the counter medicines and authorize these for use in school, where appropriate for their child. The medicines should be labelled with the child’s name and the school can then follow the generic age related instructions when administering to the child, as would a parent.

For children with long term diagnosed medical conditions, such as asthma and epilepsy, GPs will continue to prescribe the required prescription medicines for dispensing and labelling by a pharmacy.


Appendix One Medicines for Self-Care


The following minor illnesses are examples of conditions that can be treated effectively and safely using over the counter (OTC) medicines. A doctor’s prescription is not routinely required or recommended for treatments of these conditions.



Aches and pains

Head lice

Athlete’s foot

Headaches and Migraines

Cold sores

Heartburn and indigestion


Mild dry skin


Skin rashes

Coughs and colds

Other skin complaints

Including acne, sun protection, birth marks, facial hair, bruising, tattoos, sweating


Sore throat


Teething and toothache

Ear wax



Including gluten free, sip feeds & soya milks where not clinically required

Travel medicines including travel sickness

Fungal nail infections

Vitamins for prevention of deficiency, complementary medicines and health supplements when not clinically required.

Fungal skin infections – ringworm

Varicose veins

Haemorrhoids (piles)

Vaginal thrush

Hay fever and allergies



 For further advice on self-care please visit