Clarborough Primary School

Be the best you can be!


Music is a fantastic and unique curriculum area; it provides a creative and engaging way for all learners to be successful.


Our children take part in active and engaging music lessons across school using Charanga. This fantastic and progressive scheme ensures that all children are given opportunities to listen, sing and play a range of tuned and untuned instruments building on their prior skills and knowledge.


These musical skills are developed in class and in whole school performances including nativity, harvest festival, class performances and our annual trip to Young Voices.


The music curriculum is enhanced during assemblies, where children get the opportunity to listen to music from great composers around the world from the 12th Century to the present day.


Instrumental playing can also be developed further through specialist woodwind, guitar and keyboard tuition for those children who would like extra lessons.


Our long-term curriculum plan has been adapted to ensure that pupils are given practical opportunities to engage in music together as this was affected by school closure.