Clarborough Primary School

Be the best you can be!

Curriculum overview


At Clarborough, we have designed our curriculum to engage and challenge learners of all ages and abilities. This has been designed and planned specifically to be in line with the school’s ethos and mission.


OUR ETHOS: Be the best you can be!

OUR MISSION: our core values of health, well-being, family and a love of learning permeate through our Golden Rule: ‘we look after ourselves, others, our school and our planet.’

INTENT - What are we trying to achieve?

We will ensure our pupils are: Successful learners, safe and nurtured, included and respected, effective contributors, active and healthy, confident citizens, globally aware, the best they can be. 

IMPLEMENTATION - How do we organise our learning?

Learning will be enriched through topics, learning environments, visits and visitors, special events, routines, learning outside the classroom.

Learners will reflect: a growth mindset, positive health and well-being.

Learning will be delivered by developing resilience, creativity, collaborations, independence, reflection, deep thinking.

All learners will be entitled to a broad and balanced curriculum: communication, language and literacy, mathematical understanding, global awareness and responsibility, the arts, knowledge about the world, computing and digital empowerment, creativity and problem solving, improving our own learning.

Clarborough values: respect, resilience, learning

MEASURING IMPACT - How well are we achieving our aims?

By evaluating the whole child through data analysis, external validation, moderation, pupil voice, learning walks, teacher assessments, parental feedback, community engagement.

Learners will be prepared for: known and unknown futures, external testing, readiness for secondary school

Our pupils will be respecting themselves and others, motivated to learn and prepared to challenge themselves, making healthy choices, making good progress, participating in the community.